Thursday, February 14, 2013

Cherokee Rule of Acceptance

I thought I would do something different and post a "vlog" instead of writing a blog today.  My online Bible Study group is studying the book, Let It Go.  Did you guys know that I'm Cherokee?  Yep!

There is a song called, The Cherokee Morning Song I wanted to sing for you and one of the rules of life that the Cherokee have taught for many, many generations that was so fitting for chapter three of our study. It's called, The Rule of Acceptence.  I hope this ministers to your heart. (You will need to expand the video to see the annotations)



  1. Thank you for your song; The Lord has gifted you with a beautiful soothing voice! Thank you for sharing!!!!!!!!!

    1. Thank you, Donna :) for 8 years, I lost my ablilty to sing because of a car accident. And a little over one year ago, it has been restored. So I praise my Heavenly Father for giving that back to me because I LOVE to sing.

  2. Great vlog, Veronica! Thanks for sharing your song. What a treat! :)

  3. This is awesome Veronica, and I thought by your features you had some native America in you. Love you girl!

    1. Hey there lady! Thanks for noticing. I am proud to be Cherokee and it's nice that some of the feaures are there.

  4. Veronica,
    That was amazing. Your voice is beautiful. What a wonderful treat for everyone that watches. I love how you tied that in and used words on the video. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome.
    Kristy Aiken

    1. Thank you so much, Kristy :) I do love my Cherokee heritage and so many things I've learned tie in with the Word of God. I thinks it's an honor to share these things with you all.

  5. I love this
    and you have a beautiful voice
    this video spoke to my heart
    love an obs small group leader
